Gitlab apt upgrade Error

Gitlab Upgrade Error: PG::UndefinedObject: ERROR: constraint "fk_262d4c2d19" for table "ci_pipelines" does not exist

While upgrading from the apt installed omnibus gitlab Version 16.6.0-ce.0 on Debian 12, I encountered the following error message:

PG::UndefinedObject: ERROR:  constraint "fk_262d4c2d19" for table "ci_pipelines" does not exist

The following SQL query displays all present postgresql constraints:

root@gitlab.server ~ # gitlab-psql
gitlabhq_production=# SELECT con.*
       FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint con
            INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class rel
                       ON rel.oid = con.conrelid
            INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace nsp
                       ON nsp.oid = connamespace
       WHERE nsp.nspname = 'public'
             AND rel.relname = 'ci_pipelines';

  oid  |      conname      | connamespace | contype | condeferrable | condeferred | convalidated | conrelid | contypid | conindid | conparentid | confrelid | confupdtype | confdeltype | confmatchtype | conislocal | coninhcount | connoinheirt | conkey | confkey | conpfeqop | conppeqop | conffeqop | conexclop | conbin 
 80430 | fk_190998ef09     |         2200 | f       | f             | f           | t            |    66450 |        0 |    75938 |           0 |     67466 | a           | n           | s             | t          |           0 | t           | {27}   | {1}     | {410}     | {410}     | {410}     |           | 

 75711 | ci_pipelines_pkey |         2200 | p       | f             | f           | t            |    66450 |        0 |    75710 |           0 |         0 |             |             |               | t          |           0 | t           | {1}    |         |           |           |           |           | 

 80714 | fk_3d34ab2e06     |         2200 | f       | f             | f           | t            |    66450 |        0 |    75704 |           0 |     66430 | a           | n           | s             | t          |           0 | t            | {18}   | {1}     | {96}      | {96}      | {96}      |           | 

 80977 | fk_67e4288f3a     |         2200 | f       | f             | f           | t            |    66450 |        0 |    75710 |           0 |     66450 | a           | n           | s             | t          |           0 | t            | {32}   | {1}     | {15}      | {96}      | {410}     |           | 

 81675 | fk_c262d728d4     |         2200 | f       | f             | f           | t            |    66450 |        0 |    75710 |           0 |     66450 | a           | n           | s             | t          |           0 | t            | {17}   | {1}     | {96}      | {96}      | {96}      |           | 

 81870 | fk_d80e161c54     |         2200 | f       | f             | f           | t            |    66450 |        0 |    75718 |           0 |     66491 | a           | n           | s             | t          |           0 | t           | {28}   | {1}     | {410}     | {410}     | {410}     |           | 

(6 rows)


This Github issue for gitlab hints to the solution:

gitlabhq_production=# ALTER TABLE "ci_pipelines" RENAME CONSTRAINT "fk_c262d728d4" TO "fk_262d4c2d19";

You can then continue the upgrade.

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